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If you’re looking for a goal-setting strategy for auditory learners, you’ve come to exactly the right place. 

Lately, I’ve been doing some pretty serious research about the different learning styles.

Did you know that about 30% of the population are classified as auditory learners? 

These types of people tend to learn best by hearing information, either through conversations, lectures, recordings, podcasts, etc. 

These types of people tend to remember conversations, can recall verbal directions with relative ease, and are really sharp about remembering people’s names. 

If you’re an auditory learner who’s also interested in goal setting, then you may be thinking to yourself:

“How can I deploy a goal-setting strategy that will help me maximize my strengths as an auditory learner, while helping me to minimize the downsides?” 

This is a perfectly reasonable and strategic way to think about goal setting in terms of your specific learning style.

So let’s jump right into it. 

In this blog post, you’re going to learn my 4 step strategy for setting and achieving goals effectively as an auditory learner—while playing to your auditory learning style strengths. 

These steps are simple and to the point—and anyone can follow them. 

Let’s dive into it and get you started on the path to dreaming big, turning those dreams into goals, and then writing those goals down (effectively, as an auditory learner) to help you create a roadmap to success.

The Best Goal Setting Strategy For Auditory Learners – In 4 Simple Steps

1. Write Down Your Goals

Even though you’re an auditory learner, you still won’t want to skip this part. 

Here’s the thing about writing down your goals. 

Science tells us that people who have goals are more likely to achieve success in life than people who don’t. 

However, science also tells us that people who write down their goals are even more likely to succeed than people who don’t. 

You can even take this a step further by getting an accountability partner.

According to science, your highest likelihood of success comes when you not only have a plan and write down your goals, but when you also have an accountability partner to help you stay on track with those goals. 

With all of that being said, writing it down in the real world is a crucial part of helping you to focus on your plan and move forward. 

If you need an in-depth guide on how to write down your goals, check out this guide about smart goals. 

You can also check out this guide about how to write down goals for your future to plan for success.

I would also recommend checking out this guide about how to create a goal statement for yourself. 

2. Record Your Goals And Listen To Them

Ernest Hemingway quote

This is where you can really start to utilize the advantages of your auditory learning style when it comes to goal setting.

And in our modern world, where everyone is literally walking around with a digital recording device (i.e. a cell phone) in their pocket, this is easier than ever. 

First, you’ll want to take those goals that you wrote down and record them on your phone. 

Next, you’ll want to listen to those goals either daily or periodically throughout the day. 

Now, I’m a huge advocate for writing down your goals on daily basis.

So for best results, you’d want to do this every morning. 

Every morning, you could write down your long, medium, and short-term goals—and then record them on your phone. 

Then, at periodic times throughout the day, you can listen back to those goals to help instill your plan deeper into your mind and really hone in and focus on your daily to-do list, tasks, and future vision. 

This is a powerful technique that auditory learners can really maximize on.

It really plays to the strengths of your auditory learning style, and helps you to utilize it to really cement those important life goals into your mind so that you can focus on them even more.

3. Listen To Motivational Audio And Positive Affirmations

When it comes to auditory learning, it’s all about what’s going into your ears. 

But guess what? 

Everything that goes into your ears is also going to enter your brain.

And for best results, you’re going to want to feed yourself motivational, positive, and uplifting messages to help put you in the right state of mind to achieve your dreams.

You can listen to amazing speakers like Steve Harvey, Tim Ferriss, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, and/or whoever else helps you to stay motivated and positive throughout the day. 

The specific ‘who’ isn’t quite as important as just making sure that the messages going into your mind are positive and uplifting

I can’t stress this enough. 

In fact, I highly recommend that all auditory learners start their day with some positive affirmations—either via a podcast, a YouTube video, an audiobook, or some other type of audio recording.

4. Keep Negativity Away From Your Ears

Zig Ziglar quote

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of negativity in our world. 

  • There are a lot of people who would rather tear others down than lift them up. 
  • There are a lot of people out there who don’t believe in the power of goal setting, or that we all have the power to achieve our dreams. 

These types of people will speak negative, condescending, cynical words into existence—and as an auditory learner, you’re especially susceptible to the negative messages contained within these words. 

Words carry a certain kind of energy with them. 

Encouraging, uplifting, and motivating words will help to lift you up and give you a more positive state of mind—whereas pessimism and discouragement will tend to feed into negativity in your life. 

In this complicated and challenging world, you definitely don’t need any more negativity or discouragement. 

So make sure that you keep negativity away from your ears. 

This might mean spending less time around those negative people, and seeking out friends who will uplift you and encourage you instead of discouraging you or talking down to you.

What Are Learning Styles?

There are a few different learning style models that circulate in the educational sphere. 

Some people disagree with this concept entirely. 

I’m not necessarily an expert on the subject. However, I do find that the concept of learning styles can be incredibly beneficial for educational and goal-setting purposes. 

The model that I’m most familiar with is called the VARK model

VARK is an acronym that basically stands for:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Reading and writing
  • Kinesthetic

These four learning styles are called the VARK model.

Note: Do you think you may be a visual learner? Check out my guide to goal setting for visual learners here: 5 Best Goal Setting Tips For Visual Learners

What Is An Auditory Learner?

Auditory learners are sometimes also referred to as ‘aural’ learners.

Basically, they’re learners who prefer learning by listening to information that’s presented vocally. 

They tend to work well in group settings where there’s debate, verbal instruction, vocal collaboration, etc. 

They also tend to thrive while listening to lectures, podcasts, YouTube videos, audio recordings, and audiobooks as opposed to reading or studying visual learning materials. 


Hopefully, this post has given you some useful information that’ll help you with understanding not only how auditory learners learn, but also how you can leverage some strategic goal-setting techniques to help you maximize your auditory goal-achievement potential

Of course, at the end of the day, this is just another part of the larger, overarching process of turning your dreams into goals, and writing those goals down to create a roadmap for success in your life.

This is how you begin your journey to success and crush it.

Need some help? Download my weekly goal-setting sheet, print out a few, and give it a try.

You can also sign up for my email list to get a free copy of my Goal Setting Essentials Starter Kit

You’ve got this. I believe in you.

Now it’s time to get to work.

Best wishes…

Jay O’Donnell

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Through successful strategies and emphasis on written goals, Jay empowers individuals to achieve meaningful objectives.

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Moorestown, New Jersey

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