80 Daily Goal Ideas To Help You Conquer Each Day

If you’ve started a daily goal-setting habit, then you may be looking for some inspiration for daily goal ideas to help you get started on the path. 

If so, congratulations!

You’re about to experience the true power of goal setting in your life. And most likely, if you stick with it, this habit will truly revolutionize how much you intentionally manage to get done each day. 

Never forget—every day, we each wake up with 24 hours to spend. 

But how you decide to spend that time is really where the rubber meets the road. 

If you want to create the life of your dreams, then it’s in your best interest to turn your dreams into goals, write down those goals, and create a roadmap to success that’ll empower you to live intentionally while you manifest the destiny you truly desire in life. 

But sometimes, at the same time, finding some daily goals to get you started isn’t altogether easy

So in this post, we’re going to help you get past this first initial step by providing some inspiration and guidance to help.  

How Do You Create A Daily Goal?


The best way to create a daily goal is to:

  1. Figure out what you want to accomplish for your long-term goals. (To help you figure this out, check out this post.)
  2. Then, start breaking those long-term goals down into medium and short-term goals. (To learn more about how to do this, check out this post.) 
  3. Then, start figuring out which daily habits you’ll need to begin cultivating to help you achieve your medium and longer-term goals. (For more information about how to make goal-setting a habit in your life, check out this post.)

Ideally, every daily goal that you create would also be created using the SMART goals format

What Are Some Good Daily Goals?

Figuring out which daily goals are going to be best for you will depend on your long-term goals. 

But in some cases, you may not be exactly sure which long-term goals you want to pursue, or what habits you should put in place to help you achieve them. 

To learn more about making an overarching success plan for your life, read this guide.

But in this post, we’re going to help you short-cut the inspiration process by giving you 80 examples of daily goals (in 8 different goal-setting domains) to help you get started with goal setting and daily goal ideas today.  

Let’s jump into it and break it down. 

80 Daily Goal Ideas To Help You Begin Your Daily Goal-Setting Journey Today

Note that the intent with these daily goal examples isn’t to do all of them. Rather, you may want to choose just one or two from a couple of the domains to start with.

Then, you can see what works for you, and what doesn’t.

10 Examples Of Daily Financial Goals

Ted Turner quote

1. Save $5 every day, to put toward your savings. 

2. Contribute $5 extra dollars every day to your 401K. 

3. At the end of every day, put any loose change, dollar bills, or five-dollar bills into a jar. 

4. Spend 1 hour every day working on building a side business or side-hustle. 

5. Spend 30 minutes every day educating yourself about how to manage money or build assets. 

6. Every day, contribute 5% of the money made that day to an emergency fund. 

7. Set aside an extra $3 to pay down your credit card balance. 

8. Set yourself up to have a certain amount automatically deducted from every check and disposited into savings (this is called automatic savings). This isn’t even something you need to consciously do every day—it’ll just happen for you. 

9. Start a ‘money journal,’ and write down how much you spent on every purchase over the course of the day. Over time, this can help you to improve your own spending habits. 

10. Give yourself a pre-calculated ‘daily allowance’ to spend on things like coffee, eating out, and fun stuff. This will help you to stay closer to your budget and keep you from overspending. 

10 Examples Of Daily Marital/Relationship Goals

Michael Phelps quote daily goals

11. Pay your partner one extra comment. 

12. Tell your partner that you appreciate them. 

13. Do something kind for your partner without mentioning it to them (like cleaning their workspace or re-arranging their bookshelf). 

14. Ask your partner how their day was, and listen without interrupting them for at least 5 minutes.

15. At least once per day, tell your partner one thing about them that makes you love them. 

16. Flirt with your partner at least once. 

17. Give your partner a hug, without even saying why you’re doing it. 

18. Thank your partner for something they did that was kind or thoughtful. 

19. Work out together. 

20. Eat a meal together. 

10 Examples Of Daily Physical/Fitness Goals

Benjamin E. Mays quote

21. Walk for 20 minutes. 

22. Do 20 push-ups. 

23. Do 5 pull-ups. 

24. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. 

25. Substitute water (or some other healthy non-sugary beverage) for a sugary or sweet beverage at least once. 

26. Substitute a bowl of broccoli or cauliflower for a portion of a less-healthy alternative for at least one meal per day. 

27. Do 25 jumping jacks. 

28. Jump rope for 5 minutes. 

29. Go to the gym for either weight-training or aerobic exercise. 

30. Substitute a piece of fruit for a less-healthy alternative (a cookie, chips, a doughnut, etc.) for at least one snack per day. 

10 Examples Of Daily Vocational Goals

John Dewey quote

31. Learn one new thing about your job every day. 

32. Focus on being twice as productive for the final 30 minutes of your shift. 

33. Commit to being the hardest worker in your department. 

34. Write down, on a sheet of paper, the position you would like to have within your company (i.e. what kind of promotion and/or success you’d like to have), and visualize it before going in to work. 

35. Every day at work, commit to doing one thing to make someone else’s job just a little bit easier. 

36. Show up 10 minutes early—and make it a daily habit. 

37. Become known as the person who ‘always researches the project and knows exactly what’s going on.’

38. Work hard enough to feel like you’re actually worth the amount of money you would like to be earning. 

39. Spend 10 minutes every day sprucing up your resume. Once it gets done, apply to jobs that would be an upgrade from your current position. 

40. Spend time every day educating yourself to become qualified for the position one step above your current position. 

10 Examples Of Daily Emotional Goals

daily goal ideas blog

41. Once per day, practice diffusing your own anger before it’s allowed to put you into a bad mood. 

42. Commit to smiling at 3 random people. 

43. Intentionally practice gratitude twice per day. 

44. Commit once per day to empathize with at least one person who’s annoying you. 

45. Every day, at least once, remind yourself to be hopeful when you’re starting to feel discouraged. 

46. Commit to striving to be aware of at least one bout of negative emotion every day, and to replace it with a positive emotion so that your mood doesn’t negatively spiral downward. 

47. Be vulnerable and express your feelings to at least one friend, colleague, co-worker, or loved one. 

48. Practice ‘understanding’ for at least one person who seems to be having a tough day. 

49. Let go of at least three negative thoughts before going to bed at night. 

50. Spend 5 minutes each day thinking about something that makes you feel happy and grateful. 

10 Examples Of Daily Social Goals

Confucius daily goals quote

51. Tell a stranger that you like their style. 

52. At least once per day, hold the door open for someone else. 

53. Ask a co-worker, a colleague, or a loved one what they’re planning to do next weekend. 

54. Every day, read the top news story—and ask at least one other person what they think about it. 

55. Tell a joke to at least one person every day. 

56. Text a friend or loved one every day (it could be a different one every day), and just ask them how their day is going. 

57. At least once per day, take on the responsibility of helping at least one person—even if in a very small way. 

58. At least once per day, offer encouragement to someone else without needing or expecting it in return. 

59. Determine, every day, to spend at least 5 minutes strengthening at least one of your important relationships. 

60. Every morning, think about what kind of person you want to be (and how you want to treat others), and visualize the behavior that matches that goal as you prepare for the day. 

10 Examples Of Daily Parental Goals

Bill Copeland quote daily goal ideas

61. Eat one meal as a family, sitting around the table. 

62. Ask each of your children how their day was, and spend 5 minutes just letting them speak uninterrupted. 

63. Ask each of your children what they plan to do for the rest of the day. 

64. Pay each of your kids at least one compliment during the day. Mix it up and try to make it different each day. 

65. At least once per day, give each of your kids a big hug and tell them that you love them. 

66. At least once per day, tell your kids that they’re you’re favorite people in the world. 

67. Make it a point to tell your children, every day, that they’re amazing (even if they’re grown up and have moved away—you can always text them). 

68. Every day, put aside a few dollars to save up to take your kids on a trip. It doesn’t have to be expensive—you can even cash in these modest savings for a trip to get ice cream! 

69. Every day, when one of your children gets upset, calmly sit down and listen to how they feel before choosing to take action, speak, or respond with solutions. 

70. Off your kids a healthy snack every day—and tell them something wise while they eat it. 

10 Examples Of Daily Spiritual Goals

Les Brown Quote

71. Every day, forgive yourself for a past mistake. 

72. Meditate for 5 minutes before beginning the day. 

73. Take a walk at sunset, appreciate the beauty of the sky, and breathe deeply. 

74. Schedule a few minutes to just sit by yourself in silence, and allow yourself to think and process. 

75. Every day, think about one small adjustment that you could make to help yourself become a slightly better person before the day is over. 

76. Look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you’re awesome and capable. 

77. Say a prayer. 

78. Thank the higher power you believe in for all of your blessings on a daily basis. 

79. Every day, take a minute to think about how small you are compared to the grand expanse of the universe—and just allow yourself to feel small, humble, happy, and grateful for your existence. 

80. Meditate on one spiritual quote every day. Here’s a list of quotes to get you started. 


Hopefully, these 80 daily goal ideas have given you some fruitful inspiration to help you level-up your daily goal-setting habits moving forward. 

Need a bit of help getting started? Download my weekly goal-setting sheet, print out a few, and give it a try.

You can also sign up for my email list to get my free Goal-Setting Essentials Starter Kit.

Just remember—real change happens when we apply our energy to making intentional choices, and taking intentional actions, on a day-to-day basis. 

This is how you live on purpose, and truly create a roadmap to success that’ll guide you to where you want to go. 

You can do it. 

I believe in you. 

The next step is just to make it happen! 

So start writing down those goals and taking action today. 

Best wishes…

Jay O’Donnell