Is it true that it’s never too late to start chasing success?

In a world that often glorifies youth and early achievements, it’s natural to question whether it’s ever too late to pursue success. The good news is that success doesn’t have an expiration date. Regardless of your age or circumstances, it is indeed true that it’s never too late to start chasing success. In this blog post, we will explore why age should never be a limiting factor and how you can embark on your own journey toward success, no matter where you are in life.

And I’m going to give you five reasons why I believe this to be true.

1. Because I Did It For Myself 

First of all, I can’t discount the things that I’ve seen, done, observed, and witnessed. 

It’s true that my life hasn’t necessarily been the subject of any scientific studies or clinical trials. 

However, what I can tell you is this: 

I have done it. 

(In fact, you can read a short synopsis of my story here.)

I started out with a blank slate and wrote my own success story. 

I’ve been a lifelong entrepreneur. I’ve succeeded at many different jobs, and I’ve started many successful businesses. 

I’ve also been successful in the real estate industry and in various other nonprofit and philanthropic endeavors. 

Now, looking back on my life, I’m incredibly grateful for all the success that I’ve enjoyed. 

However, I also know that had it not been for my understanding of the goal-setting process, that success might never have happened. 

I can also see, in looking back on my life, the incredible power that goal setting holds. 

And this tells me without a doubt that anyone can use goal-setting to help turn their dreams into goals and turn their goals into reality.

I’m literally old enough to be a grandfather. 

And yet, I’m still starting new projects and setting new goals, every single day. 

And if I can do it, you can do it. 

So take it from someone who’s actually been there and done it. 

It doesn’t matter how old you are. 

It’s never too late to get started. 

2. The World Is Full Of People Who Succeeded Later In Life 

Let’s take a quick look at just a few extremely successful individuals who didn’t really hit their stride until later on in life. 

  • Donald Fisher was 40, and had zero retail experience when he founded GAP in 1969. Now, it’s one of the world’s largest clothing chains. 
  • Vera Wang was a figure skater and journalist—but she decided to enter the fashion industry at the age of 40. Today, she’s one of the most famous women’s designers. 
  • Gary Heavin opened the first Curves fitness center in 1992 at the age of 40. It ended up becoming one of the fastest-growing franchises in the ‘90s. 
  • Samuel L. Jackson, a well-respected and famous Hollywood actor, didn’t land his first award-winning role until he was 43 years old. 
  • Henry Ford was 45 years old when he created the Model T and revolutionized the automotive industry in 1908. 
  • Harry Bernstein was 93 years old when he started writing his first novel, The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That Broke Barriers. It wasn’t published until he was 96, after which he gained literary fame for his work. He also went on to write three more books!

If these examples tell you anything, it’s that success can happen at any stage in life. 

Achieving goals isn’t just a young person’s game. 

This has been proven over and over again throughout history, with undeniable evidence to back it up. 

So if you ever start to think that you’re ‘too old,’ or that ‘your time is past,’ or that ‘there’s just no hope for you anymore,’ banish those thoughts out of your mind. 

Instead, start writing down some goals, and get to work.

3. Life Experience Is Valuable In Itself 

As we grow older, we learn things.

We go through things—and we experience trials, tribulations, and challenges.

We learn crucial lessons about life, people, and our own selves. 

Sometimes, these life experiences are actually necessary in order to teach us exactly what success should look like for us. 

For example, I have a student who basically wasted his 20s without doing anything serious to contribute to his future. Then, he went through a really hard time in his early 30s.

And then, after he learned about goal setting and started getting more serious about his life, he went through a period of time where he felt like since he had wasted so much time in his 20s, he struggled with feeling like he had simply waited too long, and that he was now too old to make any real dreams or success happen for himself. 

But this turned out to be incredibly false. 

Within the span of five short years, by the time he was 35, he completely turned his life around. 

He went from literally having to hit a total life reset, to starting two successful businesses, drastically increasing his income, and living the kind of life he had always dreamed of living. 

And guess what? 

Goal setting was the primary tool that helped to get him there.

But one thing I noticed about this student, in particular, was that the lessons he learned in his 20s actually really helped him to double down and make even more progress in his 30s.

And that’s how experience works. 

Yes, going through life while learning tough lessons may feel bad at first. 

But once you start setting goals and taking those goals more seriously, you’ll come to realize that those past experiences will give you some serious wisdom that you can use to move forward. 

In this sense, sometimes, older people actually have an advantage in the sense that they’ve been around for long enough that they’re better equipped to appreciate the full extent of what goal setting can do for them.

4. Your Uniqueness Changes As You Grow

Everyone has something unique to bring to the table in life.

Every human is made up of an incredibly unique blend of experiences, personality, life circumstances, ideals, and philosophies. 

There are no two people who are exactly alike. 

This is why the human race is so diverse. 

It’s incredible. 

However, it’s also important to understand that we become different people as we age as well

And whether you’re starting the goal-setting process as a teenager, or as a 70-year-old—it’s vital to understand that your unique place in life gives you the power to access gifts and talents inside of you that is not just specifically unique to you as a person, but that is also specifically unique to this phase of your life

These talents and gifts will help you to help other people create value in the world and really supercharge your success. 

What’s stopping you?

I’ll be honest—the only thing stopping most people is that they aren’t writing down their goals and creating a roadmap for success.

5. Where’s There’s A Will, There’s A Way

I really want you to watch the YouTube video I inserted just above this line of text. 

Then, I want to get really honest for a second. 

Nothing good in life comes for free.

No matter what you want to achieve, there’s going to be some hard work and sacrifice involved.

This is just part of the game. 

But it’s also vitally important to understand that what’s more important than how old you are is your level of determination. 

Youth obviously gives you all kinds of advantages. 

But as we’ve already talked about, there are also advantages that come with age.

But when it comes to having determination, it’s crucial to understand that age doesn’t really play that big of a role.

If you’re determined enough, if you have a clear vision, and if you’re willing to write down your goals and do the work required to turn those goals into reality on a daily basis—then you’ve got what it takes to create success for yourself. 

I know it sounds like a cliche, but it’s true. 

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 

Whenever I watch the commercial that I shared above, it touches me on a deep level because it speaks to the human drive to succeed. 

We all have things that we care about. 

And it truly doesn’t matter how old you are. 

If you care about something enough, and if you’re willing to take the time to write down your goals and to pursue those goals with action, you’re bound to start making progress. 

And guess what? 

People are living longer than ever now. 

You have more time than ever to write down your goals and succeed at them. 

My advice would be to stop worrying about how little time you think you may or may not have and to start focusing more completely on the amazing opportunity you have every single day to turn your dreams into goals and turn those goals into reality. 


The concept of success is subjective: Success means different things to different people. It can be pursuing a new career, starting a business, learning a new skill, or making a positive impact on others’ lives. Since success is personal, it can be pursued at any age.

Lifelong learning is essential: Success often requires continuous learning and personal growth. Regardless of age, you can always acquire new knowledge, develop skills, and improve yourself. The availability of online courses, workshops, and resources makes learning more accessible than ever before.

Personal fulfillment and happiness: Chasing success is not solely about external achievements; it’s also about personal fulfillment and happiness. The journey itself can be incredibly rewarding and transformative, regardless of age. By pursuing your passions and setting meaningful goals, you can experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Legacy and impact: Regardless of age, you can make a positive impact and leave a lasting legacy. Whether it’s mentoring others, contributing to your community, or sharing your expertise, your actions can inspire and empower others. Success is not just about personal achievements; it’s also about making a difference in the lives of others.

In conclusion, it is never too late to start chasing success. Age should not be a limiting factor in pursuing your goals and dreams. Embrace lifelong learning, leverage your experiences, and draw inspiration from others who have achieved success later in life. Remember that success is a personal journey, and the most important step is taking action toward your goals, regardless of your age.


I believe in you.

Best wishes… 

Jay O’Donnell


Jay is a Goal Achievement Coach and a certified Full Focus Planner Pro who can help you:

Effectively overcome life’s changes and challenges by helping you to achieve your goals. Acquire better decision support tools for identifying your goals. Implement and offer suggestions and concrete action steps to give you the confidence to make positive changes in your life.

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Jay is a Goal Achievement Coach and a certified Full Focus Planner Pro who can help you:

Effectively overcome life’s changes and challenges by helping you create and achieve your goals. Acquire better decision support tools for identifying and achieving your goals. Provide suggestions and concrete action steps to give you the confidence to make positive changes in your life.

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Jay is a Goal Achievement Coach and a certified Full Focus Planner Pro who can help you:

Effectively overcome life’s changes and challenges by helping you create and achieve your goals. Acquire better decision support tools for identifying and achieving your goals. Provide suggestions and concrete action steps to give you the confidence to make positive changes in your life.

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